Entries by monodev

Best tools to create and implement your marketing plan

Seamlessly Build Pages with MarketPlan and DragDropr Over the course of conducting business, a business firm will have to make a variety of marketing decisions to improve sales and spur growth for the business. That is why it is important for businesses to come up with a good marketing plan in order to plan for […]

How to Improve Email Open Rate by 39%

How to Improve Email Open Rate by 39% Email marketing has been around for some time now. Marketers widely acknowledge it as one of the top marketing techniques. As marketing methods advance, email marketing continues to develop as well. It allows you to send out messages at your convenience relatively inexpensively. Set up the marketing […]

Build Your Own Web Shop without Learning How to Code

For most organizations and businesses, social media is enough. After all, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, or Pinterest allow you to create your own profile or page and give you all the freedom that you desire. Additionally, they give you access to a wide audience through their large user bases. Truly, […]

E-Commerce: Choosing the best platform for your E-shop

E-commerce has revolutionized the way people shop. Not too long ago, people have to drive to physical stores, choose from the available selections and wait in line to pay for their purchases. Online shopping and modern e-commerce platforms are providing an alternative which takes away the hassle of braving the traffic jams. Choosing from limited […]

Importance of Valid Social Proof in Landing Pages

Importance of Valid Social Proof in Landing Pages Real stories, recognition, and affirmation – these are the top three things that would certainly let your business shine in the eyes of your audience. Nothing draws the interest of your prospects more than great narratives about you and what you have to offer. Gone were the […]

What is a CMS? How to Choose the Right One for You

Marketing can take in many different forms. Each has proven to have its strengths. Still, entrepreneurs have been searching for more and more ways to maximize the potentials of their businesses through marketing. These days, with the dawn of the digital revolution and the increasing reliance on the World Wide Web, the superstar for businesses […]

What is the GDPR? Understanding GDPR

The process of getting yourself and your business established in Europe isn’t that different from other countries. However, there’s one main difference that you have to make sure you can follow. Which is compliance with GDPR. What is the GDPR? The General Data Protection Regulation, or more often referred to as GDPR, is an EU […]

Release notes: 1.12.2

Release version: 1.12.2 Editor version: 1.9.1 Dashboard version: 2 Backend version: 1.7.0 Chrome widget version: 1.2.6 Date of release: 2018.15.12   General improvements: User management improvements & bug fixes New user Admin panel Available ID’s for all Widgets and Sections – allowing users to create links to these sections/widgets E.G. specific parts of the page […]

Drag & Drop Page Builders: Fast to Build, But Can Kill Your SEO

Not all trends are good for business. In fact, many marketing experts realized that some popular approaches should actually be avoided. For instance, drag & drop page builders using shortcodes may be fast, but they have negative effects on your SEO. Which could ultimately affect your site’s ranking. Today’s Most Common SEO Issues Some SEO experts still […]

How to choose the best Hosting provider

How to choose the best Hosting provider? Partnering with the right hosting service is crucial when building a website. Choose the wrong service and you’ll end up struggling just to get support. Finding a web host, however, is easy if you understand how to choose the right hosting package. In most cases, it’s simply a […]