Entries by monodev

Importance of Landing Pages for E-Commerce Success

A landing page is usually the first page that visitors “land on” when visiting your e-commerce site. By the essence of the word, a landing page can be any page as long as it’s the first page landed on. And yet, they are not that. They are something much more complicated yet simpler than that. […]

How to Create A Minimalistic Website in 2019

Simplicity is beauty. This classic saying has always been applicable to many different contexts, whether it is in designing a home, putting together an outfit, or even in creating websites. Well, this saying lives on for a reason – the truth about simplicity creating a strong sense of attraction from those who come across it. […]

New Release! DragDropr editor 2.0

Exciting times here in DragDropr central 🙂 Improved DragDropr editor V 2.0 now launched!   Apart from the improved editor design, version 2.0 brings new functionalities, improved usability and wider “working” area with our new floating panels. Now, it’s also easier to access to our Free full page Templates and Content blocks.   DragDropr Floating […]

Akos Boros Interview: How to Engage Visitors on Your Website

Our team had this cool idea for a while of running interviews with inspiring entrepreneurs and executives on our blog. I mean there’s so much to learn from affectionate people who are passionate about running successful business ventures and improving the world we live in.   What’s a better way to start these series of […]

Five Content Marketing Strategies to Try In 2019

Besides SEO, website building, and social media, one of the most important things to look into is content. Remember, content is king when it comes to enticing your customers and viewers to view your website. Without amazing content, despite having good social media strategies and a beautiful website, your strategies will still fail. And the […]

How Color can make or break your brand

The psychology of color explores the effect colors have on people’s decisions. Indeed, color factors into people’s decision-making process considerably. We’ve all been in decision making situations and sometimes color plays a vital role in the overall outcome. These factors directly affect the subconscious, so the person doesn’t notice that the decision made is influenced […]

Outsourcing Benefits & How You Can Apply It.

Owning a business enables you to do something you are passionate about and make money out of it. However, while you are more than willing to do everything for this thing that we love, there is no denying that it can get very hectic and overwhelming. That’s where outsourcing comes into the picture. In operating […]

Tools to build and plan of your website

In this day and age, customer experience is something that every business should prioritize. That is because technology has made everything so much quicker now.  Nobody has the patience to put up with slow, clunky websites anymore. But creating a smooth and polished website needs a ton of planning. It’s true that website builders have […]